


Preparing your pets for hurricane season.


当我们都为bat365中文版游戏下载季节做好准备时,不要忽视我们的宠物是至关重要的. They're our family too, after all.


  • Microchip your pets. Make sure your pets are microchipped 而且他们的微芯片上有最新的正确联系信息. 这可以通过打电话给微芯片公司或登录你在植入微芯片时创建的账户来完成. If you're looking to get your pet microchipped, contact your vet, 或者密切关注当地的疫苗接种和微芯片植入活动, usually sponsored by animal shelters in your area. 这也是一个好时机,检查你的宠物身份证项圈,看看你的电话号码和地址是否有效.
  • Make sure your pets have updated vaccinations. In the event of an evacuation, 你肯定不想带着没有接种疫苗的动物离开家吧. 如果没有最新的疫苗接种,寄宿机构和兽医将不会接收您的宠物, 你的宠物感染狂犬病等疾病的风险也会增加, canine/feline distemper, hepatitis, canine parvovirus, Lyme disease, canine influenza, and kennel cough.
  • Make a list of pet-friendly hotels in evacuation areas. 尽管我们很喜欢可爱的伴侣,但并不是所有的酒店和租赁公司都有这种感觉. To avoid being turned away, 列一张清单,列出你计划在疏散期间允许宠物入住的地方. When using apps like Airbnb and VRBO to identify and save potential evacuation routes,您可以根据允许宠物的属性过滤搜索. This way, you can ensure that you and your family (yes, 即使是鼻子湿了的家庭成员也能呆在一起! 


Hurricane prep kit for furry members.


当你住在路易斯安那州东南部的时候,bat365中文版游戏下载工具包是必备的. Items like flashlights, batteries, non-perishable food, TONS of drinking water, a possible board game or two, 还有一些其他必需品可能已经进入了你的bat365中文版游戏下载准备工具包. However, 许多宠物父母在为bat365中文版游戏下载季节做准备时忘记做的是为他们的宠物准备一个准备包.

So, if you are the proud parent of a fur-baby, 开始想想你的宠物的应急逃生包里有什么对他们有益. Here is a good starting point:

  • Water. 虽然你可能已经为你家里的人提供了足够的饮用水, be sure to add extra to the supply for your pets. As a general guideline, 建议每天给狗和猫每磅体重大约1盎司的淡水. 所以,如果你有一只50磅重的小狗,那就意味着每天要喝50盎司的水. Packing a hurricane kit for a week? 对于一只50磅重的宠物,你应该为你的宠物储存大约350盎司的水. 


10-50 lbs

60-100 lbs

  • Food. 就像两条腿的人一样,宠物在准备应对风暴时,额外的食物是至关重要的. 去宠物店买几周的食物,只有在紧急情况下才用. 
  • Medications and medical records. 把宠物需要的所有药物列在一张清单上,并打印出最新的医疗记录. This includes items like their updated vaccination list, recent health exams, past surgeries, 以及其他可能对宠物健康很重要的事情. 把这些文件放在他们的bat365中文版游戏下载准备包里,这样当紧急情况来袭时,你就不用担心了. 
  • First aid kit. A lot of the tools that go into a pet first aid kit are similar to the ones humans would use, 但是,如果你或你的毛毛宝宝需要这些额外的用品,这将是很重要的. 
  • Extra set of pet supplies. 如果你需要在bat365中文版游戏下载中快速撤离, 你最不想要的就是收集你的宠物每天需要/使用的所有东西. To avoid losing time during an evacuation, 为你的宠物预留一套额外的宠物用品,只在紧急情况下使用. Things like an extra food and water bowl, leashes, bones, toys, 甚至一个狗/猫的床可以帮助缓解任何压力,因为你的宠物在离家时需要的一切.
  • Sanitation. 宠物应急bat365中文版游戏下载工具包的另一个重要组成部分是我们可能不会马上想到的东西:卫生用品. Things like a litter box, cat litter, doggy poop bags (preferably the scented ones because, I mean, why not?), newspaper, towels, trash bags, cat/dog diapers for senior pets, 消毒喷雾可以使长时间离开家的过程更加舒适. 


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Planning on staying put?


If you choose to weather the storm, make sure you know your pet's favorite hiding spot, 这样你就知道他们可能在哪里,以防暴风雨来袭后你需要离开你的房子. 玩具,刺激你的宠物长时间呆在室内,如一个 Kong 玩具,将帮助他们的注意力从外面的风和雨的声音. 

The most important thing to remember, is to bring your pet inside during a hurricane. As a pet parent, 没有什么比保护你的宠物安全更重要的了, 所以确保你的宠物在暴风雨来袭时不会被留在外面.

By making the right preparations, 我们可以确保我们毛茸茸的朋友在bat365中文版游戏下载季节保持安全和健康. Don't forget, our little companions rely on us to keep them secure, and when we include them in our disaster plans, 我们向他们展示我们是多么关心他们的幸福和保护.


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