Meet Garick Giroir

Garick Giroir
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Rethinking debt: The good, the bad, and the necessary

Published on March 23, 2023

Not all debt is created equal. 

How to help your aging parents manage their money

Published on October 14, 2022

There may come a time when your parents can no longer handle their own finances.

The most common scams to avoid in southeast Louisiana

Published on September 20, 2022

You work hard to save money and keep your finances in check. Don't let a scammer ruin that. 

Is it time to buy an electric car?

Published on September 06, 2022

With gas prices at an all-time high, is now the time to buy an electric vehicle?

How to prepare your home for a hurricane

Published on July 21, 2022

You can't control the weather. But you can control how ready you are to face it.